(The talented Jeffrey)
Our little guy Jeffrey has been a survivor from the beginning. He was
born under very stressful conditions and has been fighting every day
since. Though he wasn't diagnosed until he was three years of age, our
family noticed he wasn't meeting the milestones that typical children
do. He had no words at 18 months. We were introduced to early
intervention, the autism journey began. He is now able to communicate
his wants and needs but is not conversational.
(Jeffrey showing off those baby blues)
He was always happy,
smiling, laughing and content as a baby. He was very young when he
showed a great interest in Disney movies. Among his favorites are The
Little Mermaid and Winnie the Pooh. It's amazing that even though he
struggles with speech, he can rattle off the complete dialogue to some
movies. He loves pizza, pop chips, and french fries. He loves to be
outside playing in dirt and rocks. He spends much of the summer in our
pool, swims like a fish. He has a trampoline and a swing in the yard
that get a lot of use. He can bounce around our home on an exercise ball
that has to be seen to believe. We call him the ”ball master”. The ipad
is always close by. He uses it to draw the most adorable pictures,
everything is always smiling. There are some dislikes for Jeffrey too.
He does not like haircuts, loud noise, mixed vegetables or candy
(chocolate not included!)
(Jeffrey loves to play baseball)
He rides a horse named Rosebud once a week
for hippo/speech therapy and goes to a gym for physical therapy. He
gets Occupational and Habilitation therapies in our home. We have very
dedicated, exceptional therapists that have been with Jeffrey for years
now. He attends Greenfield Elementary School, home of the Gators! He is
in 2nd grade. I can't say enough to express the admiration I have for
his teacher and the staff at school. They are the best.
Jeffrey is a blessing to our family. Having a child with special needs reminds us everyday about what should be priority in this life. Acceptance, unconditional love, courage and determination to appreciate all we have been given.
Jeffrey is a blessing to our family. Having a child with special needs reminds us everyday about what should be priority in this life. Acceptance, unconditional love, courage and determination to appreciate all we have been given.
(Jeffrey enjoying the rain)
Hopefully you loved getting to know this awesome boy and will support the Gilbert Public Schools and the programs they have to help Jeffrey get the best learning experience possible. Thank you so much.